Terms and Conditions
Data Protection
Third Party Websites
You agree to use our services in accordance with the terms and conditions as well as the provisions below.
• You will use our services and/or our site for non-commercial use only.
• You will be considerate towards other users of our services and/site.
• You will not violate any rights of other users by threatening or harassing them.
• You will not impersonate or try to impersonate or misrepresent someone else or affiliate yourself with someone else.
• You will provide us with the information that is, to the best of your knowledge, accurate, correct and most updated.
• You will not use our site or services for any unlawful purposes that may or may not be unethical, misleading, derogatory, discriminating, illegal, unwanted, or malicious.
• You will not pass on any unethical, misleading, derogatory, discriminating, illegal, unwanted, or malicious comments or information that may or may not ruin anyone’s or RGL’s reputation.
• You will not try to reproduce, sell, distribute, any information or content on our site.
• You will not try to sell our services by claiming to be affiliated with Stuttgart Insurance Solutions
• You will not try to hack or use our website for any unlawful purpose.
• You will not try to gain unauthorized access to our website.
• You will not try to transmit any malware or virus through our site.
Limitation of Liability
You are solely liable for your usage of our site and services and misuse of our site. You shall be completely responsible for any damage caused due to your use or misuse of our site and its services. You shall hold Engage Your Team LLC and its suppliers, contractors, partners, affiliates, and all employees harmless against any liabilities or damages that arise from or relate to your use or misuse of our site or services.